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This year was also known as our 15th year anniversary. Unfortunately like most artists we’ve been hit very hard by COVID-19. Literally ALL shows/battles got canceled for us. It would’ve been a great (probably our best) year. Between Us was going international for the first time, Adrenaline was going back on tour in France, we were gonna go for the World title at Battle Of The Year, we had an anniversary trip planned to Mexico. None of it was ever meant to happen. But we keep our heads up! We might not get to show our skill, but now we’ve got the time to develope.


We've WON Eindhoven Cultuurprijs 2019 🎊


We've WON Eindhoven Cultuurprijs 2019 🎊

Just another wednesday evening but we’re super happy to tell you we’ve won Eindhoven Cultuurprijs 2019.

We actually didn’t win by vote but by the judges decision. We got a prize for representing our city like no one else is doing at the moment, a prize for appreciation. What’s nice is that it all falls to place, the hard work gets recognized and next year 2020 is the year we’re existing 15 years. Something to celebrate ofcourse.

More info about our anniversary soon!



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The Ruggeds wederom Nederlands Kampioen Breakdance !

De Eindhovense Breakdance crew " The Ruggeds" mogen zich wederom Nederlands Kampioen Breakdance noemen, na de winst van de ' Dutch Bboy Championships'. In de finale waren ze ADHD uit Utrecht te baas en wonnen daarmee hun 3e NK. Ze ruilen in de maanden Februari & Maart de Battlevloer voor het theater en zijn ze in 21 steden te bewonderen met hun nieuwe voorstelling 'Adrenaline'

Meer info en tickets:


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